Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Yes, it’s President Obama’s birthday today.

Unlike Marilyn Monroe (Seriously, can someone please get Beyonce to sing this song?), I don’t have that great a singing voice. But I can write a blog post about how I think he’s actually been doing a really good job as President, all things considered.

  • First of all, he saved the f**king economy with the stimulus. Something’s got to be said for that, even if it only really stopped the plunge. And if it wasn’t for the president, the auto industry (which is now expanding!) would have collapsed, devastating the entire Rust Belt and a
  • Secondly, he saved our reputation overseas by shifting our focus out of Iraq’s quagmire and towards focusing on Al-Qaeda (and Osama Bin Laden).
  • Thirdly, he passed the Affordable Care Act. As someone who has no plans to leave Blue State America during college, afterwards, or anytime during my life, I look forward to spending less on health Insurance and still getting coverage that really does work and keep me healthy.
  • Fourth, he paved new, unprecedented strides on the issue of LGBT Equality, bringing our country forward to one where no one has to face discrimination for their sexual preference or identity.
  • Finally, he stood up to Republicans, who have gone absolutely nuts ever since his inauguration. Even though they have worked to functionally grind government to a halt and put up roadblocks wherever they could, he still managed to lead the country positively.

Here’s to another year with President Obama in the White House!

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