The Cost of Premium: My Year in Apple Products


The original iMac. And my first computer.

Since I knew what the difference between a Mac and a PC was, I have always been an Apple product partisan. (Just ask my parents – it’s true!) My first computer was a bondi blue first-generation iMac (pictured above), and I still remember the glee I felt when I realized I’d be spending my first summer at sleep-away camp with a cool new iPod (I was nine and that iPod was definitely cool in 2004).

Fast-forward to 2016, and I’m still that much of an Apple devotee. I’m currently typing this on a MacBook pro, texting on my iPhone, and listening to some Drake through Apple Music (I turned off Spotify premium when Apple Music dropped and haven’t looked back since). Earlier today, I was browsing Facebook (on my mac), and came across this great Odyssey article by Maddie Graham. The title: The Eternal Question: Mac or PC?

Here’s the first paragraph:

This summer I broke both my Mac and my iPhone. Yikes. I’m usually good in dealing with cracks, but both the phone and laptop were either beyond repair or way too expensive to repair. The laptop repair would cost around $700 and combined with the iPhone repair or replacement, the total cost would be upwards of $1,000. I immediately looked into ways I could get some extra hours in at work and other ways I could earn money on the side to afford such costs. Then I came back to my senses. Here I am, trying to make over $1,000 just to pay for a REPAIR and replacement, when I could get a non-Apple products (scary I know) for much less money.

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