Finals Playlist

I’d like to start off by saying I think I have a problem. Whenever I’m confronted with any sort of dilemma in life, or just a rough patch, I find myself creating a playlist for it. Although this started when I used iTunes, the addiction to playlist making has been enabled by Spotify Premium, with its access to unlimited combinations of songs and lack of barriers to listening.

Anyway, here’s a short playlist I created for finals studying. It’s relatively calm and contains quite a few throwbacks. Check it out!

Yom HaShoah and My Thoughts on Religion

My first year at college has been one of many changes, and one of the biggest ones I’ve faced is realizing and coming to terms with the fact that I’m a member of a religious minority. Before college, I lived in jewish neighborhoods and went to an (unofficially) jewish sleep-away camp, so I was always surrounded by others with whom I shared the Jewish faith. And while the college I now attend does have a vibrant Jewish community, going from majority to less-than-a-quarter Jewish still represents a significant change for me. And it has profoundly altered my relationship with Judaism. At the beginning of second semester, I bought myself a Star of David necklace and put a mezuzah on my door. And I’ve given more thought to how I view Judaism, both in the wider world and as a part of my own identity.

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